Released: November 19, 2020
System requirements: Windows 7, 8, 10 or macOS 10.9 - 10.15
Please follow the instructions in Section 8 of the Aurora(n) User Manual for updating the firmware when using Thunderbolt or USB connections.
The Non-OS specific file (the “Download” button above) is for updating using the microSD card.
Please follow the instructions in Section 6.2.11 of the Aurora(n) User Manual for updating the firmware using the microSD card.
Change Log
August 20, 2020 Version 1.23
- Fixed issue where trim may not be recalled properly upon power up with LT-USB installed.
- Added support for “Group A” and “Group B” master volumes.
Group A or Group B can be selected as the Rotary Encoder volume so entire sets of channel volumes can be controlled with the rotary encoder.
Only NControl can assign outputs to Group A or Group B (NControl 1.0.2 and up).
By default only Group A is enabled, Group A volume is unity and all outputs are assigned to Group A. This allows Group A to be selected as the monitor out volume controller in the Settings page and control all outputs with the rotary encoder. - Added the ability to format the microSD card with exFAT format through the SD Card page.
- About page channel display changed to only show types of channels currently installed.
March 26, 2020 Version 1.22
- Added “Playlists” page. Please see the Aurora(n) User Manual for full details on Playlists.
- Scenes are now named *.ncs to match NControl, so scenes can be directly shared between NControl and the Aurora(n).
- Scenes saved on the Aurora(n) now have the source volumes encoded to match NControl.
- After recalling a scene that scene name is now shown with a highlighted background and the user interface stays on the Scenes page (instead of switching to the Meters page).
- Fixed startup issue seen with a very small number of Aurora(n)’s with Firmware Version 1.21.
Feburary 15, 2020 Version 1.21
- Added support for DB-ADAT connected to LM-DIG. Please note that LM-DIG must have Firmware 2.0 installed to support DB-ADAT.
Upgrade order should be:
1. Install Firmware 1.21 on Aurora(n) then power off Aurora(n).
2. Install Firmware 2.0 on LM-DIG then power off Aurora(n).
3. Install DB-ADAT. - Added “Optical Settings” page which allows selection of Optical Out Mode of either ADAT, SPDIF or following the format of Optical In 1. Default is “Follow Optical In 1”.
- When a DB-ADAT is installed, on the Horizontal Meter Page > Meter Select will only show ADAT In and ADAT Out when user presses and holds the Function button for 1/2 second. Function button will have a blue back-light when over AES In, AES Out, ADAT In or ADAT Out as a reminder of the “hidden” function.
- Added “Scenes” page. This new page allows saving and restoring scenes (which include all routing options) to the /Scenes folder on the microSD card. The scene file format is the same as the NControl scene format so scene files can be easily shared between the two. This makes recalling a specific routing setup in the field without a computer connected easy as the routing can be saved from NControl and recalled directly on the Aurora(n) from the microSD card.
- Changed how “To LSlot Out” (where LSlot is replaced with the computer interface name) is selected on the Routing page. Now each source type can be enabled or disabled independently just like the “To Line Out” and “To Digital Out” routing options.
If there are too many source channels to route to the LSlot outputs (when the USB is in 8-channel mode, for instance), source buttons are turned off to show which channels are actually being routed. Please note that Preamp In source will never be automatically turned off. This means that the Aurora(n) PRE1608-USB model running in 8-channel USB mode will need to have the Preamp In source turned off manually before Line In source can be selected.
Custom LSlot channel routing can be done in NControl by using the Menu > LSlot record source (again, where LSlot is replaced with the computer interface name.)
November 5, 2019 Version 1.20
- Improved LT-HD2 sample rate changes to prevent ProTools error messages with HD Native card (requires LT-HD2 firmware 6).
- Fixed issue where NControl LSlot record routing was being overwritten on startup.
- Fixed issue where SynchroLock would unlock if clocking externally and microSD card record was started.
- Please note: If the Aurora(n) currently has 1.14, 1.16 or 1.18 you must update the firmware using the microSD card method described above.
August 5, 2019 Version 1.19
- Fixed issue that prevented NUpdate from completing a firmware update over the bus (Thunderbolt, Dante or USB). If the Aurora(n) currently has 1.14, 1.16 or 1.18 you must update the firmware using the microSD card method described above. If the Aurora(n) has 1.10A or below, NUpdate will function normally.
April 4, 2019 Version 1.18 BETA
- Fixed issue that ignored FAT32 4GB file size limitation for the SDCard support (32GB or smaller microSD cards). Now when a FAT32 formatted microSD card is used, the time remaining will count down to the 4GB file size limitation instead of the space remaining on the SDCard. Recording will automatically stop when the file reaches 4GB in size. Formatting with exFAT removes the 4GB file size limitation.
- Added Settings page to allow user to select 5 customizable settings:
- Phones Source: Allows the user to set the Basic or Advanced phone source page is shown when the “Phones Source” button is pressed. Please note that when using NControl the Aurora(n) will only show changes in NControl when using the Phones Source Advanced page.
- LSlot Meter: Allows the user to select if the LSlot meter page is shown as Separate or Combined (if possible). Previously if the LSlot meters could fit on a single “All I/O” page, it would combined them. Now the user as the option of forcing the LSlot meters to a separate page. If there are too many meters for a combined page, the Combined button will be disabled.
- RE click: This setting allows the user to select what pressing the rotary encoder button will do when on the meter pages. Valid selections are:
- Function Menu (abbreviated “Function”) will show the Function Menu.
- Preamp (if a LM-PRE4 board is installed, will show the Preamp page.
- DIM, will reduce the volume of the Monitor Out by 20dB.
- Nothing, will do nothing when the rotary encoder is clicked. This prevents and inadvertent rotary encoder bump from changing settings on the Aurora(n).
- RE wheel: This setting allows the user to select what rotating the rotary encoder will do when on the meter pages. Valid selections are: SD Shuttle (previously the only action available) and Monitor Out Volume (abbreviated “Volume”). When Volume is selected, the Monitor Out volume is set with the Monitor Out button.
- Monitor Out: Allows the user to select which output pair are designated as the “Monitor Out” for both the “RE click: DIM” function and the “RE wheel: Volume” function.
- When date and time are set from NControl, a date and time popup appears over the meters page for 3 seconds to let the user know the setting was accepted by the Aurora(n).
- Preamp Settings page: Removed “Rotary encoder click” setting as this is now changed on the “Settings” page.
- Allowed remote control of the “Monitor Out” channel selection from NControl. Hold the “Control” key on the keyboard while clicking on the output select button. Visual indication of the Monitor Out select is show as a highlighted box around the name of the output selected.
- Fixed a bug on the Phone Source Advanced page where the Function button was Cyan instead of Blue (pressing Blue Function button moves the Blue group focus; pressing the White Select button moves the White control focus).
- Added front panel control lock function to disable all front panel buttons. Press and hold the “Meter/Exit” button for 1/2 second to engage front panel control lock. All button LEDs will go out except “Meter/Exit” will turn Red. Press and hold the “Meter/Exit” button for 1/2 to turn off front panel control lock.
January 14, 2019 Version 1.16
- Added support for LT-HD2 LSlot card.
November 28, 2018 Version 1.14 BETA
- Added support for NControl.
- Added new Phone Source page to go along with support for NControl so changes in NControl are reflected on-screen.
November 2, 2018 Firmware 1.10A
- Lynx recommends doing a Restore Defaults after a firmware update. Function Menu > About > Select > OK.
- Fixed issue with Firmware 1.10 that may rarely cause the Aurora(n) to not startup properly if the Aurora(n) is turned on then off very quickly.
May 30, 2018 Firmware 1.10
- Lynx recommends doing a Restore Defaults after a firmware update. Function Menu > About > Select > OK.
- Added support for WinBond EEPROM.
March 12, 2018 Firmware 1.9
- Lynx recommends doing a Restore Defaults after a firmware update. Function Menu > About > Select > OK.
- Fixed issue where LT-HD would not identify the correct number of channels available on some units with 24 or 32 channels.
February 28, 2018 Firmware 1.8
- Lynx recommends doing a Restore Defaults after a firmware update. Function Menu > About > Select > OK.
- Added support for LM-PRE4 module.
- Changed UI theme with new font and new color scheme.
- All I/O meter page now shows as many channels as possible on a single page. If a second page is needed for the LSlot channels, user should press Meters/Exit button to see metering for the LSlot channels.
- Changed SD Record Setup page to allow for individual channel selection.
November 9, 2017 Firmware 1.7
- Lynx recommends doing a Restore Defaults after a firmware update. Function Menu > About > Select > OK.
- For Aurora(n)-16 USB only: To Digital Out source for USB Play are channels 1-16 instead of just after the analog channels.
- Added the ability to update LT-HD firmware from the SD card.
- Added support for LM-DIG board in UI. If LM-DIG board is installed in SLOT 4 (under LSlot connector) this will add 16-channels of AES/EBU. Please note the LSlot boards have a maximum of 32-channels, so an Aurora(n) with 24-channels of analog i/o and an LM-DIG will exceed the maximum channels that can be routed to the LSlot board. The Routing Menu allows the user to select having either the Analog channels first, or the Digital channels first to accommodate this.
- Phones Source: Mixing and individual input volume control are now possible for the phones source. Please see Section 6.3 of the Aurora(n) User Manual for more information.
- Phones Source: If SD Card is not installed, SD Play channels are no longer shown.
- Phones Source: If LSlot (Thunderbolt/USB/Dante/HD) is not present or not connected, LSlot Play channels are no longer shown.
- Test Tone: Added the ability to send test tone to the LSlot (Thunderbolt/USB/Dante/HD) outputs, to aid in testing computer routing and connection issues.
July 11, 2017 Firmware 1.5
- Fixed screen DMA copy issue while recording at high sample rates/channel count.
- Ignore hidden folders (Sessions) and files (Takes).
- Fixed issue where renamed Session would not update the take names because the session folder had changed out from underneath the take.
- Changed horizontal meter scale to go from -80 to -60dB to match All I/O page meters.
- Disallowed LSlot clock update while recording and playing.
- Horizontal meter page: Fixed bottom meter right channel overloads
June 1, 2017 Firmware 1.0
- First release