Released: October 10, 2019
System requirements: macOS 10.9 Mavericks through 10.15 Catalina
Revision History
Version 1.0 Build 58H BETA October 10, 2019
1. Fixed issue with Lynx Mixer not allowing mute changes for sources to anything other than Out 1&2 (introduced on 58G).
Version 1.0 Build 58G BETA September 20, 2019
1. Driver and all applications are 64-bit and notarized by Apple for Mojave (10.14) and Catalina (10.15) and up.
2. Changed interface for FWUpdate to 64-bit. Older versions of FWUpdate will no longer function.
3. Sample offset fixed for Aurora(n)-TB. Added one sample for play and one sample for record.
4. Now includes Hilo Remote 1.0.19.
4.1. Hilo Remote no longer automatically resizes the window based on the number of channels.
4.2. Added “Advanced” menu option of connection method is Thunderbolt which may contain the following menu options depending on hardware configuration:
4.2.1. Added “Adapter Settings” dialog to allow adapter settings previously only available with Lynx Mixer to be changed with Hilo Remote.
4.2.2. Please note: This setting is for advanced use and normally should never need to be changed by the end user. Added “Hardware Payload Size”. This should normally be left on “Auto” to allow the driver to determine the payload size (see note 5 below).
4.2.3. Please note: This setting is for advanced use and normally should never need to be changed by the end user. Added “Show PCIe DMA Completion Latency”. This option will temporarily display the PCI Express DMA completion latency on the toolbar while streaming. This setting is not saved so each launch of Hilo Remote will have this option unchecked. The latency value can be used in conjunction with the Settings > Advanced > Hardware Payload Size to insure glitch free streaming. The current maximum value will be displayed in both microseconds and samples (adjusted for the current sample rate). The Hardware Payload Size should always be double the worst-case latency number in samples. The software buffer size should always be a minimum of 4 times the Hardware Payload Size.
5. Changed how the Hardware Payload Size is automatically calculated. The default values are 8 samples for 44.1kHz and 48kHz; 16 for 88.2kHz and 96kHz; and 32 for 176.4kHz and 192kHz. If Advanced > Hardware Payload Size is set to “Auto”, each time the streaming is stopped, the driver evaluates the computers performance and may set a new default Hardware Payload Size if the driver based on the that performance measurement. This may result in either a higher Hardware Payload Size being selected, or a lower Hardware Payload Size depending on the speed of the computers PCIe DMA Completion Latency value.
6. In Lynx Mixer: Changed “Hardware Buffer Size” to “Hardware Payload Size” to keep it from being confused with the software buffer size. This should normally be left on “Auto” to allow the driver to determine the payload size (see note 5 above).
7. Please note: This setting is for advanced use and normally should never need to be changed by the end user. In Lynx Mixer: Added “Show PCIe DMA Completion Latency”. This option will temporarily display the PCI Express DMA completion latency on the toolbar while streaming. This setting is not saved so each launch of Lynx Mixer will have this option unchecked. The latency value can be used in conjunction with the Settings > Advanced > Hardware Payload Size to insure glitch free streaming. The current maximum value will be displayed in both microseconds and samples (adjusted for the current sample rate). The Hardware Payload Size should always be double the worst-case latency number in samples. The software buffer size should always be a minimum of 4 times the Hardware Payload Size.
8. In Lynx Mixer: Added the ability to change the Sync Source on the Aurora(n)-TB. Please note that Firmware 6.4 is required on the LT-TB for this to function properly.
Version 1.0 Build 58E BETA March 1, 2019
1. Driver and all applications are now notarized by Apple for Mojave (10.14) and up.
2. Changed name of Hilo with LT-TB from “LT-TB” to “Hilo-TB”.
3. All applications are now 64-bit to avoid warning on Mojave.
4. Transmit FIFO full check now performed for internal MIDI connection on LT-TB.
5. Sample offset fixed for LT-TB 5.5 firmware.
Version 1.0 Build 58D November 14, 2017
1. Added support for Aurora(n) with LM-DIG board.
2. Fixed issue for startup scene on certain configurations.
3. Driver now supports macOS 10.9 to macOS 10.14.
Version 1.0 Build 58C June 2, 2017
1. Added support for Aurora(n)-TB.
Version 1.0 Build 58B May 16, 2016
1. Added work-around for issue with DMAV2PLUS that would occasionally cause dropped samples on input.
2. Added support for fixed recording timing DMAV2PLUS firmware:
AES16e: 14.1
LT-TB: 6.2
E44/E22: 2.1
3. Added support for non-mixable integer format. This allows applications to bypass the Float32 to SignedInt32 conversion (which is bit-perfect, so there is no sonic difference either way).
4. Includes Hilo Remote Version 1.0.12.
5. Added new signing certificate for OS X 10.9 and up.
6. Driver now supports OS X 10.9 to OS X 10.11.
Version 1.0 Build 58 August 27, 2015
1. Added support for DMAV2PLUS for AES16e/LT-TB/E44/E22.
DMAV2PLUS supports the following features:
– Smaller transfer sizes to reduce latency to under 1ms round-trip (96kHz, 32 sample buffer)
DMAV2PLUS is supported with the following firmware:
AES16e: 14.0
LT-TB: 6.0
E44/E22: 2.0
2. Added new controls in Lynx Mixer to support DMAV2PLUS. Settings > Advanced > Hardware Buffer Size. This settings should be left at ‘Auto’ unless you are working with Lynx Technical Support on a specific issue. Changing this control sets the amount of audio buffered in the hardware. The smaller the number the faster the CPU must respond to interrupts before audio breaks up.
3. Includes Hilo Remote Version 1.0.11.