Released: July 12, 2017
System requirements: Windows 7 or higher
This driver is signed with a SHA-2 digital certificate. Early versions of Windows 7 do not support SHA-2 digital certificates, so Windows 7 requires a specific patch to support SHA-2 digital certificates. Please see Microsoft Security Advisory 3033929 for more information.
Revision History
Version 2.0 Build 23g July 12, 2017
1. Added Microsoft cross-signing certificate for Windows 10 OEM builds. If your computer has secure boot enabled, you must either disable secure boot or use Build 23b.
2. Fixed issue with LMixer.exe About box to show device name.
3. Fixed issue created with Build 23f that might cause a BSOD on start of play/record for PCI cards.
Version 2.0 Build 23f June 29, 2017
1. Added work-around for CPU usage issue with ProTools 12.5 and up.
2. Changed default Hardware Buffer Size to be dependent on ASIO buffer size instead of sample rate.
Version 2.0 Build 23e June 2, 2017
1. Added support for Aurora(n)-TB.
Version 2.0 Build 23d Janunary 31, 2017
1. Added tables for additional sample rates for E44/E22.
Version 2.0 Build 23c June 29, 2016
1. Fixed issue created in Build 23b that caused PCI cards to use WavePCI instead of WaveRT on Windows Vista and higher.
2. LynxTrayVolume.exe now launches LynxMixer.exe instead of LMixer.exe upon double-click.
3. Changed to SHA256 (SHA-2) digital certificate.
Version 2.0 Build 23b May 27, 2016
1. Added ability to change channel mode on E22 and E44. E22 can now do 2 or 4 channel mode. E44 can now do 2, 4 or 8 channel mode.
2. Driver now enables record device for DMAV2PLUS firmware if the application did not already enable a record device. Since newer DMAV2PLUS firmware depend on record device timing, a record device must always be enabled.
Version 2.0 Build 23a November 30, 2015
1. Fixed issue with topology driver that would change the wrong controls for the source volumes.
2. Change the topology driver to always report the number of channels at either 8 or NumberOfWDMDevices * 2 (whichever is less). This corrects an issue where Windows would always show the number of volume controls for the first device as two instead of the number of channels that are selected in the Windows Sounds Control Panel.
3. Added work-around for issue with Adobe Audition CC 2014 and up that would cause the ASIO driver to not load properly.
4. Added work-around for issue with ProTools 11 and up that would cause the ASIO driver to occasionally not load properly on an Aurora™-TB.
Version 2.0 Build 23 August 27, 2015
1. Added support for DMAV2PLUS for AES16e/LT-TB/E44/E22.
DMAV2PLUS supports the following features:
– 5.1 support for WaveRT (6-channel interleaved)
– Smaller transfer sizes to reduce latency to under 1ms round-trip (96kHz, 32 sample buffer)
DMAV2PLUS is supported with the following firmware:
AES16e: 14.0
LT-TB: 6.0
E44/E22: 2.0
2. Added new controls in Lynx Mixer to support DMAV2PLUS. Settings > Advanced > Hardware Buffer Size. This settings should be left at ‘Auto’ unless you are working with Lynx Technical Support on a specific issue. Changing this control sets the amount of audio buffered in the hardware. The smaller the number the faster the CPU must respond to interrupts before audio breaks up.
3. Added additional check for PCI cards on startup of Lynx Mixer.exe to automatically launch LMixer.exe if no PCI Express devices are detected.
4. ASIO driver now allows buffer sizes from 32 up to 8192 samples for DMAV2 and DMAV2PLUS devices. Previously this was set from 32 to 1024.
5. ASIO driver cannot mix DMAV2 and DMAV2PLUS devices along with standard DMA devices. All devices must support the same feature set.
6. Includes Hilo Remote Version 1.0.11.