Released: February 26, 2020
System requirements: Windows 7 or higher. WHQL Certified for Windows 10 1607 through 1909.
This driver is signed with a SHA-2 digital certificate. Early versions of Windows 7 do not support SHA-2 digital certificates, so Windows 7 requires a specific patch to support SHA-2 digital certificates. Please see Microsoft Security Advisory 3033929 for more information.
Revision History
Version 2.0 Build 24c February 26, 2020
1. Windows 10 driver is now WHQL (HLK) Certified for Windows 10 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809, 1903, 1909, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019. Driver will load and operate normally with Secure Boot enabled. It is possible to check the version of Windows with the WinVer command.
2. Added support for DB-ADAT connected to LM-DIG inside Aurora(n).
3. Added register update after card info write to prevent streaming issues after an EEPROM write.
4. Saves Hardware Payload Size in EEPROM instead of registry so it is restored properly on any computer the device is connected to.
5. Lynx Mixer now shows and can select clock sources for LM-DIG and/or DB-ADAT with Firmware 1.21 on Aurora(n).
6. Added NControl 1.0.0 to driver installation package. NControl will be installed into the “\Program Files\Lynx Studio Technology” folder and will automatically be launched if the user launches Lynx Mixer with an Aurora(n)-TB3 (which doesn’t support Lynx Mixer).
6.1 NControl now supports DB-ADAT.
6.2 Fixes issue with Mic Pre not showing Gain when in Hi-Z mode.
7. Fixed issue in Lynx Mixer, Hilo Remote and NControl “Adapter Settings” dialog that might cause a crash if the device was moved, then the channel count was changed.
8. Added work-around for some ASIO applications (Cakewalk, Studio One, Ableton Live) that set the priority of the driver thread (setting the priority of the driver thread should never be done by an ASIO application per the ASIO specification). Also added the ability for the end user to turn off the MMCSS priority of the driver thread for applications that insist on setting the drivers thread priority (none that we have found, so far).
9. Driver restores support for LMixer.exe (which was inadvertently removed with Build 24a) so LynxTWO/L22/AES16 PCI cards are supported again.
10. Version of files in device manager reports
Version 2.0 Build 24b August 28, 2019
1. Windows 10 driver is now WHQL (HLK) Certified for Windows 10 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809, 1903, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019. Driver will load and operate normally with Secure Boot enabled. It is possible to check the version of Windows with the WinVer command.
2. Fixed issue with CARDID read on driver load that might cause firmware updates to timeout.
Version 2.0 Build 24a August 28, 2019
1. Windows 10 driver is now WHQL (HLK) Certified for Windows 10 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809, 1903, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019. Driver will load and operate normally with Secure Boot enabled. It is possible to check the version of Windows with the WinVer command.
2. Driver and Mixer now only support 64-bit systems. Users of 32-bit systems will either need to upgrade to a 64-bit operating system, or remain with a previous version of the driver.
3. Added support for LS-AES connected to AES16e. This allows for up to 24-channels in and 24-channels out of AES/EBU using a single AES16e with an LS-AES cards. Two LS-AES cards are not supported on an AES16e since it does not have dual LStream ports. For reference: Only the LynxTWO and L22 had dual LStream ports.
4. Renamed Settings > Advanced > “Hardware Buffer Size” to “Hardware Payload Size” to keep it from getting confused with the ASIO Buffer Size. Changed how the Hardware Payload Size is calculated when set to “Auto”. The new settings are as follows:
Buffer SizePayload Size
44.1kHz & 48kHzPayload Size
88.2kHz & 96kHzPayload Size
176.4kHz & 192kHz32 & 64 2 4 8 128 & 256 4 8 16 512 & 1024 8 16 32 2048 & 4096 16 32 32 8192 32 32 32
5. In Lynx Mixer: Added “Show PCIe DMA Read Completion Latency” option to Settings > Advanced. This option will temporarily display the PCI Express DMA read completion latency on the toolbar while streaming in ASIO. This setting is not saved with the mixer scene so each launch of Lynx Mixer will have this option unchecked. The latency value can be used in conjunction with the Settings > Advanced > Hardware Payload Size to insure glitch free streaming. The current maximum value will be displayed in both microseconds and samples (adjusted for the current sample rate). The Hardware Payload Size should always be double the worst-case latency number in samples. The ASIO Buffer Size should always be a minimum of 4 times the Hardware Payload Size. If the displayed latency is higher than 8 samples, settings in the BIOS should be changed. Relevant settings are Intel SpeedStep (should be disabled, sometimes called EIST); C-States (C1E, C3 and C6 should all be disabled); and Intel Trusted Execution Technology (should be disabled). All of these settings can cause the CPU/Chipset to be delayed in responding to PCI Express DMA read/write requests which can cause glitches in the audio stream.
6. Version of files in device manager reports
7. October 16, 2019 Update (Please note, if you have previously downloaded V2Setup24a.exe, you will need to clear your browser cache to re-download the new file):
7.1. Installer removes previous applications from “C:\Program Files\Lynx Studio Technology” to avoid possible RunInf error.
7.2 Includes Hilo Remote V 1.0.19
7.3 In case of any error on install, installer files are left in “C:\Program Files\Lynx Studio Technology\V2 Driver” to allow for easier manual installation.
Version 2.0 Build 23j January 17, 2019
1. OpenGL version is now checked for both Lynx Mixer and Hilo Remote. If the video card driver doesn’t support at least OpenGL 2 then the app falls back to non-OpenGL. OpenGL can be manually disabled by editing the file with Notepad while Lynx Mixer is closed:
and changing UseOpenGL from 1 to 0 like:
<VALUE name=”UseOpenGL” val=”0″/>
2. Transmit FIFO full check now performed for internal MIDI connection on LT-TB.
3. 8-stereo-device operation now possible on E44.
4. Added Microsoft cross-signing certificate for Windows 10 OEM builds up to 1809 (RS5). If your computer has secure boot enabled, you must either disable secure boot or use Build 23b (which has a grandfathered signing certificate)
5. Version of files in device manager now reports
Version 2.0 Build 23i July 12, 2017
1. Fixed issue with E44/E22 that may have caused the trim to report the incorrect status on boot.
2. Added support for LM-DIG in Aurora(n)-TB.
Version 2.0 Build 23h August 24, 2017
1. Fixed issue with ASIO driver that would cause the first interrupt to be ignored on startup for PCI Express cards with DMAV2Plus firmware (this caused no issues for any application except for one custom OEM application).
Version 2.0 Build 23g July 12, 2017
1. Added Microsoft cross-signing certificate for Windows 10 OEM builds. If your computer has secure boot enabled, you must either disable secure boot or use Build 23b.
2. Fixed issue with LMixer.exe About box to show device name.
3. Fixed issue created with Build 23f that might cause a BSOD on start of play/record for PCI cards.
Version 2.0 Build 23f June 29, 2017
1. Added work-around for CPU usage issue with ProTools 12.5 and up.
2. Changed default Hardware Buffer Size to be dependent on ASIO buffer size instead of sample rate.
Version 2.0 Build 23e June 2, 2017
1. Added support for Aurora(n)-TB.
Version 2.0 Build 23d Janunary 31, 2017
1. Added tables for additional sample rates for E44/E22.
Version 2.0 Build 23c June 29, 2016
1. Fixed issue created in Build 23b that caused PCI cards to use WavePCI instead of WaveRT on Windows Vista and higher.
2. LynxTrayVolume.exe now launches LynxMixer.exe instead of LMixer.exe upon double-click.
3. Changed to SHA256 (SHA-2) digital certificate.
Version 2.0 Build 23b May 27, 2016
1. Added ability to change channel mode on E22 and E44. E22 can now do 2 or 4 channel mode. E44 can now do 2, 4 or 8 channel mode.
2. Driver now enables record device for DMAV2PLUS firmware if the application did not already enable a record device. Since newer DMAV2PLUS firmware depend on record device timing, a record device must always be enabled.
Version 2.0 Build 23a November 30, 2015
1. Fixed issue with topology driver that would change the wrong controls for the source volumes.
2. Change the topology driver to always report the number of channels at either 8 or NumberOfWDMDevices * 2 (whichever is less). This corrects an issue where Windows would always show the number of volume controls for the first device as two instead of the number of channels that are selected in the Windows Sounds Control Panel.
3. Added work-around for issue with Adobe Audition CC 2014 and up that would cause the ASIO driver to not load properly.
4. Added work-around for issue with ProTools 11 and up that would cause the ASIO driver to occasionally not load properly on an Aurora™-TB.
Version 2.0 Build 23 August 27, 2015
1. Added support for DMAV2PLUS for AES16e/LT-TB/E44/E22.
DMAV2PLUS supports the following features:
– 5.1 support for WaveRT (6-channel interleaved)
– Smaller transfer sizes to reduce latency to under 1ms round-trip (96kHz, 32 sample buffer)
DMAV2PLUS is supported with the following firmware:
AES16e: 14.0
LT-TB: 6.0
E44/E22: 2.0
2. Added new controls in Lynx Mixer to support DMAV2PLUS. Settings > Advanced > Hardware Buffer Size. This settings should be left at ‘Auto’ unless you are working with Lynx Technical Support on a specific issue. Changing this control sets the amount of audio buffered in the hardware. The smaller the number the faster the CPU must respond to interrupts before audio breaks up.
3. Added additional check for PCI cards on startup of Lynx Mixer.exe to automatically launch LMixer.exe if no PCI Express devices are detected.
4. ASIO driver now allows buffer sizes from 32 up to 8192 samples for DMAV2 and DMAV2PLUS devices. Previously this was set from 32 to 1024.
5. ASIO driver cannot mix DMAV2 and DMAV2PLUS devices along with standard DMA devices. All devices must support the same feature set.
6. Includes Hilo Remote Version 1.0.11.